Category Archives: Technical

BarCamp Portland

On May 12, I went to [BarCamp Portland](, an ad-hoc tech mini-convention at [CubeSpace]( I got there late in the afternoon and only went to a couple of talks. I went to a talk on Open Hardware and one on scaling Ruby. I saw a couple of people I knew but didn’t really chat much. […]

Google Reader

I have started using [Google Reader]( The new interface works pretty well. It works even better with the [Greasemonkey]( script [Google Reader Optimized]( to simplify the interface and increase the size of the reading area. The mobile interface is especially nice. It works better than all of the programs I have tried. The only thing […]

More Wireless

I setup wireless in my parent’s house today. I actually brought along my Linksys WRT54G from home. It was the one I had flashed with DD-WRT and was using as a bridge. There are at least a dozen wireless networks visible from their house up on top of a hill. There is an open and […]

Airports and Wireless

I am in the Minneapolis airport waiting for a flight to Waterloo, Iowa where I will see my brother and family. This is the second time I have traveled with my laptop and it is very handy while waiting in the airport. I can read email, chat with friends, and catch up on reading blogs. […]

FC6 on MacBook

I am writing this on Fedora Core 6 running on my MacBook. In general, it works pretty well with a few problems. The wireless works great with the madwifi drivers from [livna]( The biggest problem is that suspend and hibernate don’t work. Suspend seems to work but does not restore. Hibernate suceeds with the most […]

Jigdo Files for Fedora Core 6

I have produced [Jigdo files]( files for [Fedora Core 6]( [Jigdo]( is a program which can produce ISO images from the constituent files and a description. It uses a .template file which contains the description how to compose the image from the files and the missing pieces, and a .jigdo file which describes where to […]

DAAP and Linux

I got [mt-daapd]( running on my Linux desktop where all my music files are. I found a [patch]( to make it work with [avahi]( and [instruction and RPMs]( The only problem is that iTunes does not support streaming Ogg files. The [QuickTime Components]( do a good job of local Ogg playing but I guess iTunes […]

CPAN Black Hole

I hate CPAN maintainers who don’t respond to bugs. I have been putting in bugs for problems I find in various CPAN modules. For some, I have even put in patches which fix the bug. The result has been complete silence. I don’t expect maintainers to drop everything and fix the bug. I would hope […]

MacBook Wireless on Linux

I got the wireless working on my MacBook under Fedora rawhide. The MacBook includes an Atheros chipset which needs the [madwifi]( driver. The madwifi driver can’t be included in the base kernel or distribution because it includes a binary HAL which isn’t open-source. Unfortunately, the madwifi driver did not compile cleanly on the Fedora development […]

Boot Camp, Try 2

I had an idea that the graphical Fedora installer would be okay (or could at least be used with a mouse) even if the keyboard at the console was duplicating keypresses. Instead of trying to do a network install, I burned the FC6 Test 2 DVD. I went quickly through the text dialogs. The graphical […]