Category Archives: Perl

OSCON: Friday

On Friday, I made it to the morning keynotes. None of them were really informative but were entertaining and funny. I attended [ZFS: Bringing Terabytes Under Control]( by Jay Edwards. He mainly talked about using ZFS on Solaris for large storage systems. The biggest advantage of ZFS is the nice management tools for creating pools […]

OSCON: Thursday

After staying up late on Wednesday night, I slept late on Thursday and missed the keynotes. I went to Matt Tucker’s talk on [Jingle: Cutting Edge Open Source VoIP]( describing the Jingle extension to Jabber that allows voice chat and other multimedia. Jingle is the standardization of the Google Talk protocol for voice chat. One […]

OSCON: Wednesday Morning

I am going to the OSCON sessions today and the rest of the week. I missed most of the keynotes this morning. I did [Transactional Memory for Concurrent Programming]( by Simon Peyton-Jones and Haskell guy at Microsoft. He described the idea of transaction memory as the alternative to locking for concurrent programming. Transactional memory basically […]

CPAN Black Hole

I hate CPAN maintainers who don’t respond to bugs. I have been putting in bugs for problems I find in various CPAN modules. For some, I have even put in patches which fix the bug. The result has been complete silence. I don’t expect maintainers to drop everything and fix the bug. I would hope […]

SVK on Fedora Extras

Over the weekend, I got the [SVK]( version control system included in [Fedora Extras]( It is in the perl-SVK package. I also packaged up a bunch of its required Perl modules. I actually used svk for the spec files for the packages. It was very handy for synchronizing and merging changes between home and work […]

Pdx-pm and Mod_perl

For a special meeting of [Portland Perl Mongers]( on Friday, Stas Beckman talked about mod_perl 2.0. He talked for three hours and only went through probably half of his slides. He went quickly through the difference between mod_perl 1 and mod_perl 2 but he demonstrated a lot of the new mod_perl 2 API. He went […]


I went to a day of sessions last Wednesday at OSCON. Here are the session I went to: ## Shtoom First, I went to talk by Anthony Baxter about [shtoom](, a SIP stack written in Python. As he explained multiple times, VOIP and SIP are complicated. Which makes writing a complete stack by himself even […]