Monthly Archives: November 2006

To San Jose and Back

I flew to San Jose on Tuesday night and then flew back on Wednesday night for an interview at Google on Wednesday. I didn’t find out until Friday that they wanted an in-person interview and until Tuesday morning when I would be flying. A recruiter from Google had contacted me a few weeks ago after […]

More Wireless

I setup wireless in my parent’s house today. I actually brought along my Linksys WRT54G from home. It was the one I had flashed with DD-WRT and was using as a bridge. There are at least a dozen wireless networks visible from their house up on top of a hill. There is an open and […]

Beach in November

I am (mostly) in San Diego this week for vacation. I went to [Torrey Pines State Beach]( today, the one nearest to my parent’s house in Del Mar. The weather was sunny and warm. Not warm enough for shorts but warm enough for sandals. The water was probably to cold to swim in. I really […]

Small Airplanes

I just had an interesting experience flying from Waterloo, IA to Minneapolis. I am sure anyone flying from an small airport has had the same experience but it is unique in mine. I guess I have always gone between cities; even the few turboprops I have flown were between San Diego and LA. And the […]

Airports and Wireless

I am in the Minneapolis airport waiting for a flight to Waterloo, Iowa where I will see my brother and family. This is the second time I have traveled with my laptop and it is very handy while waiting in the airport. I can read email, chat with friends, and catch up on reading blogs. […]

FC6 on MacBook

I am writing this on Fedora Core 6 running on my MacBook. In general, it works pretty well with a few problems. The wireless works great with the madwifi drivers from [livna]( The biggest problem is that suspend and hibernate don’t work. Suspend seems to work but does not restore. Hibernate suceeds with the most […]


I voted today. For those who don’t know, everybody in Oregon votes by mail. They sent me my ballot a week or two ago. I filled it out yesterday and mailed it today. Last election, I forgot until too late to mail the ballot and had to drop it off at a collection center on […]