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I got my passport today after just a week which eliminates all my worries about one for my trip to St Martin. It looks like the passport was issued on Friday and sent overnight. I was surprised that it showed up so quickly when there have been lots of reports of delays. Maybe a renewal […]
I am going on vacation to St Martin the second week of July. I am going with my friends Jan and Alethya who I went to Hawaii and other places with. [St Martin](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Martin) is an island in the Caribbean divided between France (Saint-Martin) and Dutch (Sint Maarten). It is near Anguilla, St Kitts, and St […]
Two weeks ago, I went to [Silver Falls State Park](http://www.oregonstateparks.org/park_211.php) with my coworker Tim and his wife Nariyo. This was my fourth time going to Silver Falls, which is east of Salem, and their first time. Only did a little bit of hiking and saw North Falls, walked the short trial to Upper North Falls. […]
November 24, 2006 – 21:54
I flew to San Jose on Tuesday night and then flew back on Wednesday night for an interview at Google on Wednesday. I didn’t find out until Friday that they wanted an in-person interview and until Tuesday morning when I would be flying. A recruiter from Google had contacted me a few weeks ago after […]
I just had an interesting experience flying from Waterloo, IA to Minneapolis. I am sure anyone flying from an small airport has had the same experience but it is unique in mine. I guess I have always gone between cities; even the few turboprops I have flown were between San Diego and LA. And the […]
I am in the Minneapolis airport waiting for a flight to Waterloo, Iowa where I will see my brother and family. This is the second time I have traveled with my laptop and it is very handy while waiting in the airport. I can read email, chat with friends, and catch up on reading blogs. […]
I am flying to the Bay Area tomorrow for a long weekend. I am going down for my 10th reunion at Stanford. I am really looking forward to seeing friends who I haven’t seen in a while. It will also be interesting to see the area after not living there for a few years. For […]
My flight down to San Diego on Christmas Eve stopped in Oakland. I had a window seat with a good view of the Bay Area as we were landing. I got a couple of good photos of San Francisco.  
One of the best parts of 2005 which I neglected to post about was Thanksgiving. I flew out to North Carolina and stayed at my brother’s place in Carrboro. My parents and grandfather also flew out. We did the same thing last year but instead of exploring North Carolina, this year we relaxed and saw […]