The next day I went to the attractions in Victoria. It was another atypical beautiful day.
I took a [water taxi]( on a tour of the harbor. I got to see seaplanes landing and taking off nearby.

I went to the [Undersea Gardens]( Basically, they walled off part of the harbor, stocked it with native fish, and turned it into an aquarium. The best part of the show with a scuba diver where he showed an octopus.

I went to the [Royal BC Museum]( It had exhibits on the natural history (stuffed animals) and human history (totem poles) of Britich Columbia.
I went to [Craigdorrach Castle]( The mansion of an early BC industrial baron, it is perched on a hill with a commanding view.

Finally, I went to [Fort Rodd Hill]( and [Fisgard Lighthouse](
to the west of Victoria. Fort Rodd Hill is a old fort with coastal artillery for protecting the naval facilities at Esquimalt Bay. And the lighthouse used protect the ships; now it is just picturesque. There was also a clear view of the Olympic Mountains.