Yesterday, I went to the Grand Floral Parade for the first time since I have been in Portland. I met up with a coworker, Tim, and his wife Nariyo. We found a place downtown near the end of the parade where a coworker’s wife had gotten up early to get a spot to sit. We […]
The second wildlife encounter was with an animal in the chimney. As I was getting ready for work, I heard a banging in my chimney like an animal had gotten trapped. I opened the damper but it hung on and didn’t fall down. Figuring I would deal with it later, dead or alive, I closed […]
A while ago, I had my first recent wildlife encounter. On one of the coldest days of the year, I looked outside and saw a brown furry lump on the edge of the bluff. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a real big rodent. I first thought it was a beaver but it […]
February 14, 2006 – 05:03
I wanted to see one of my favorite bands, [Great Big Sea](, play in Portland. Last time, it was a pretty spontaneous event. I took a different route home and passed the theater where they were playing later that night. I was surpised to see them on the marquee. I went home, ate dinner as […]
Some more interesting pictures from 2005 which I didn’t post at the time. The weekend of 12/17, the [Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation]( gave rides on trains pulled by the [SP 4449]( steam locomotives along the track that goes by Oaks Park across the pond from my place. I was hoping to take a ride but […]
I took my normal walk down to the Willamette River at [Sellwood Riverfront Park]( The river was the highest I had seen it. Two years ago, it was almost as high in April but this is January. Normally, there is a beach, then a four foot wall with benches and picnic tables on a flat […]
Something interesting happened today at my apartment. I was sitting at my computer around 3pm when I heard a loud bang and the power went out. I looked outside and saw a car had run into the power pole on the corner. I went outside and called 911. The power pole had been broken in […]
A month ago I went to the [Portland Rose Garden]( and took some photos. Here are some roses for Rose. [](/photostack/rosegarden)
Today I rode in the Providence Bridge Pedal, a big community bike ride in Portland. I heard an estimate of 18,000 people. I can believe it; it was more crowded this year compared to last year. There were bnottleneck this year where people had to get off and walk. I heard somebody joke that the […]